Friday 28 October 2011

'Birmingham Creative City Initiatives' - has someone told Birmingham Council?

I was rather shocked today to receive a link from another photographer to the new photography competition by Birmingham City Council.

The terms and conditions for the competition truly shocked me - given that the Council has recently started a major initiative to promote the creative industries in Birmingham. This, at best, resembles a moral equivalent of looting where young, vulnerable talent are abused  by an organisation who should know a lot better. They should remember that the creative community in Birmingham has suffered severely from this recession but is still expected to meet all it's financial commitments (rates bills/community charge), yet you now expect us to give you the food from our own table as well.

Having spoken to several other professional already today, it is difficult to quantify our outrage at this behaviour. All image makers should be rewarded for their creative efforts regardless of being professional or amateur and where that picture usage could be construed as commercial - due and fair  payment should be made.

So please can the councillors at Birmingham please have a major rethink on this one!! Remember 9,500 people in the West Midlands conurbation are employed in photo imaging (Skillset figures 2011) and this is no way to treat them!


1 comment:

  1. Sadly, Birmingham Council only seems to see the "cost" side of the "cost:benefit" balance.
    And, even more sadly, this isn't the first time they've managed to 'salvage' an own goal from a scoring position.
